Bin Laden is
It doesn't matter to me in the least WHO made the announcement that we finally found and killed Bin Laden, what matters to me is that we now have done what President Bush said the United States would do with Bin Laden. Bush had said nearly ten years ago, "you can run, but you cannot hide!" Tonight, President Obama made the announcement I have been waiting for. Now if only we could get some famous medium who could interact with his spirit and let us know if his reward in heaven was great, as suicide bombers are trained to believe, or if he was given an overcooked hamburger and a shovel to stoke the fires of hell to fill his time in his new afterlife of suffering.
By the way, there ARE some unconfirmed sources out there who have posted pics purporting to be him in death. I can't say whether I've seen any authentic ones, but I'd bet that there are some decorations being awarded from Langley, the Pentagon, and the special forces who buttoned down this intelligence enough to convince the President to sign a finding and put an end to this murderous and vacant soul.